Dr Westwood Surgery

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Our Practice Code: P91007
OPEN TIMES: Monday to Friday 8am to 6.30pm

High standard of general medical care

We aspire to a high standard of general medical care. The Practice provides services to the people living in the areas of Timperley, Altrincham, Sale, Hale, Bowdon & Hale Barns.

Contact us online

  • Minor Surgery

    Dr. Colin Westwood is one of only two GPs in South Trafford offering a full range of minor surgery.

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  • Diseases

    Patients with chronic conditions such as asthma, COPD, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.

    Our Services

  • Family Planning

    General family planning advice and counselling is available with the doctors and nurses as well as routine cervical smears.

    Our Services

  • New Patients

    New Patients
    New patients are invited to attend for a routine health check.This includes a review of personal and family medical history.

    Our Services


Online Services

We encourage patients to register for online services. Please speak to reception or access via www.patient.emisaccess.co.uk or Click Here.

We offer Proxy access to parents for children aged under 11 years or carers. Please speak to a member of the reception team who will be happy to help. Once we have received signed consent a member of staff will set you up and you will receive an email with a pin code to activate your account.


  • Electronic Prescriptions

    The practice uses electronic prescriptions. Please let one of the reception team know your designated pharmacy if you are interested in this service.  You can read about Prescriptions Charges and Exemptions here.


Data Protection Privacy Notice

This privacy notice lets you know what happens to any personal data that you give to us, or any that we may collect from or about you. This privacy notice applies to personal information processed by or on behalf of the practice.

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New Patients and Registration

Please use the button below to register online through the GP Registration Service. Thank you.


All new patients are invited to attend for a routine health check. This includes a review of personal and family medical history. On your first visit to the new Patient Access, sign in with your User ID as normal and follow the on screen instructions.  You can click the button below to download our registration forms instead of our online service if you prefer.

PDF Forms


  • Minor Surgery

    Dr. Colin Westwood is one of only two GPs in South Trafford offering a full range of minor surgery. Dr Colin Westwood has certificate of Competence in Subdermal Contraceptive Implant Techniques Insertion and Removal from Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare. Dr Westwood also has an honorary contract with Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.
    Patients can now be referred for insertion or removal of subdermal implants at the practice.
    All patients seen in the minor surgery clinics are routinely offered review appointments with Dr Westwood following a procedure.

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We welcome new patients – Your Named GP.

All patients have a named GP. Dr Helen Westwood is the named GP for all patients registered with Dr Westwood’s practice. We are in the process of setting up a patient participation group, please ask at reception for more details. All patients at Dr Westwood’s surgery have a named, accountable doctor who is responsible for co-ordinating their care. Your named doctor will be allocated to you by the practice. You can still talk to or make appointments to see any of our doctors or nurses, not just your named GP. If you have a preference and would like to request a particular doctor at the practice to be your named GP please talk to one of our receptionists.

The practice are keen to support patients that have special or additional needs

  • There are reserved car parking spaces next to the main entrance which provides easy level access to the health centre.
  • Disabled toilet facilities are provided near the main entrance.
  • When you register with the practice we will ask you to let us know if you require extra support or need us to make any adjustments for you when you visit the surgery.
  • With your permission we will make on note on your records and then we can be prepared when you arrive or contact the surgery.
  • We have large print versions of  our practice leaflet
  • The reception team can book interpreters for patient appointments. Should any further assistance be required, a member of our reception team will be happy to help wherever possible.
  • The practice is set to send text message reminder service please let us know if you do not wish to be contacted by text.


  • Appointments

    Please contact reception on 0161 980 3751 to book an appointment. Some appointments are bookable online. Please sign up for online services.

    Appointments are available every day and you may see either Dr. Colin Westwood or Dr. Helen Westwood. If your problem is urgent we will always offer a same day appointment. Routine appointments are available up to 2 months in advance. Appointments are 10 minutes in length. If you have more than one problem you wish to discuss, or if you feel your problem is more complex, you may request a double appointment. If you cannot attend, or no longer require your appointment, it is important that you cancel this in good time so that the appointment may be offered to another patient.

    Zero Tolerance Policy
    Please read our Violence Statement and Zero Tolerance Policy

    Disabled Facilities
    Facilities include parking, wide doorways, no steps and a toilet.

    Home Visits

    Home Doctor VisitsWhilst we encourage our patients to come to the surgery, where we have the proper equipment and facilities available, we do appreciate this is not always possible. In this respect, if you do need a home visit, you can help us by calling reception before 10:30 am.

    You may only request a home visit if you are housebound or are too ill to visit the practice. Your GP will only visit you at home if they think that your medical condition requires it and will also decide how urgently a visit is needed. Please bear this in mind and be prepared to provide suitable details to enable the doctor to schedule house calls

    You can also be visited at home by a community nurse if you are referred by your GP. You should also be visited at home by a health visitor if you have recently had a baby or if you are newly registered with a GP and have a child under five years.



    We invite you to complete a short questionnaire on what you think about your GP practice overall.

    Take the Test


  • Repeat Prescriptions

    If your long-term medication has been approved on a repeat prescription basis you can place orders in the following ways:

    In person:
    Hand your repeat slip into reception with the required items clearly marked.
    By post: Send it to us with a stamped addressed envelope if you want us to post it back to you.
    Online: Via your patient access /NHS app – both these require pin no’s – please ask at reception or give us a call.
    email: reception.drwestwood@nhs.net

    Please note: Telephone requests for repeat prescriptions cannot routinely be accepted and are only taken in extreme circumstances.

    Medication Reviews

    Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, clinical pharmacist or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip. Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.

    48_hoursPlease allow two full working days for prescriptions to be processed and remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account. This also applies to collections from local pharmacies.

    Please do let us know if you are ordering your prescription early due to holidays.

    Test Results

    You will be advised at the time of having a blood test or other investigation whether your doctor or nurse wishes to see you routinely regarding the results. Results are not usually given over the telephone by the administrative staff.

    If there is a problem with your test results the surgery will contact you to make an appointment. Please ensure we have your correct contact details to enable us to do this.

  • Form Download

    Please use this area to download various practice PDF forms, including our New Patient Registration.

    Form Downloads


NHS Digital

This practice is supporting vital health and care planning and research by sharing your data with NHS Digital. For more information about this see the GP Practice Privacy Notice for General Practice Data for Planning and Research.

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Annual Patient Survey

Please complete our Annual Patient Survey to help us improve our services.

Start Here