Minor Surgery

Dr. Colin Westwood is one of only two GPs in South Trafford offering a full range of minor surgery. This includes excisions, cautery and joint injections. This service is offered as a “Local Enhanced Service” which means other local GPs refer their patients here for minor surgery.

CHRONIC DISEASE MANAGEMENT CLINICS: Patients with chronic conditions such as asthma, COPD, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease are seen regularly by the doctor and nurse.
Family Planning

General family planning advice and counselling is available with the doctors and nurses as well as routine cervical smears. Specialised contraceptive services such as implants and intra uterine devices can be arranged through the family planning clinic held in Urmston.
Click here for more information.
New Patients

All new patients are invited to attend for a routine health check. This includes a review of personal and family medical history as well as measurement of height, weight and blood pressure. Routine blood tests may also be performed.
Well Person Checks

All our patients are encouraged to attend for regular health checks with our healthcare assistant.
CDV Risk Assessment

All adults aged 40-70 are invited to attend for a review of their cardiovascular risk status.

All childhood immunisations are performed by the practice nurse.
Travel Advice

Travel advice and immunisations are available. The practice is a registered Yellow Fever Centre.
Flu Vaccinations

These are available in autumn for all patients over the age of 65 and all patients with chronic conditions.
Smoking Cessation

Advice and support is available to help patients give up smoking.
Weight Loss

Clinics are available with the practice nurse.
Ante Natal Clinic

When your pregnancy is confirmed you can self refer directly to the midwife by calling 0161 291 2942. Regular clinics are held at Timperley Health Centre.
Other services available
Other services available in the health centre include podiatry and speech therapy. District nurses and health visitors are also based at the health centre.
The practice nurse can also help with dressings, removal of sutures and ear syringing. The practice has a health care assistant who performs blood tests, blood pressure checks and smoking cessation clinics.